Royal Partners is the official affiliate program for Sol Casino, Fresh Casino, Rox Casino and Jet Casino. This is an affiliate program that allows any webmaster to earn money by promoting the previously mentioned brands.
On Royal Partners, the webmasters can earn commissions via the revenue share model or a CPA plan.
The rates available through the revenue share model go up 55% and you can earn up to $100 per client through a CPA plan.
In addition to that, Royal Partners has multiple support platforms open to the webmasters on a daily basis, you can contact an account manager at any moment to clarify your doubts or request some assistance.
Regarding the brands that you would have to promote, they are betting sites that offer even the pickiest players a fun opportunity to wager on numerous casino games plus these betting platforms work with several payment methods that are completely secure, so that players do not have to worry about the safety of their funds at any time while making transactions.
The commission model is based on the net gaming revenue of the referrals as well as the number of first-time depositors that the webmasters can bring to the brands on a monthly basis.
The scheme offers up to 55% on revenue shares, moreover, the webmasters are able to restructure the negative balances that they may have at the end of a paying period. In some cases, the account managers may clear all of your negative balances so that you can start afresh and forget about any unfortunate months where you were unable to withdraw any earnings on this affiliate program.
Royal Partners has CPA plans available to those webmasters that wish to have this kind of plan active on their accounts. These are personalized schemes where the terms and conditions are discussed between the affiliate and an account manager. Through this type of plan, the affiliate is able to earn money for every referral that goes according to the terms that were stated firsthand. Royal Partners offers up to $100 for every player.
Sadly, at the time of the making of this review, Royal Partners does not have a sub-affiliates plan available to the webmasters. It is unclear whether or not this will change in the near future. Despite that, you may contact an account manager and request further information about this type of plan and the possibility of having it active on your account.