Gaffg Relaunched with a new design

gaffg relaunched
21st Aug, 2018
John Wright Author Profile Photo John Wright
gaffg relaunched

Welcome to the new site which features more than just a new design, it is mobile friendly and there is more detail in the affiliate program reviews. This new design represents our commitment to providing a complete list of gambling affiliate programs and continuing the affiliate coaching service

Made with MeteorJS, MongoDB and ReactJS

Yes, this site is indeed made with MeteorJS and ReactJS which is a new framework and uses MongoDB for the database. Combining MongoDB with Meteor and React results in a very fast website. Speed was the driving force behind the decision but as well it was a desire to use newer programming languages and databases to embrace these technologies. I think webmasters will start encountering more of these languages and databases as websites evolve.

Removing forex and binary options reviews

All of the forex and binary options reviews are being phased out of the site. That decision was made more to disassociate with binary options which doesn't have a good reputation. So if you are looking for financial affiliate programs, you can find them elsewhere but not on this site. Bye Felicia!

Attention Affiliate Managers

If you have changes or new information you would like to add to your affiliate program review, use our form here to help us update your data to make the review accurate and up to date.

21st Aug, 2018
John Wright