Lucky Numbers Around the World

777 Lucky numbers
29th Dec, 2022
Sergio Sierra

Undoubtedly, many of you recognize the number seven (7) as the favorite symbol of luck. The symbol "777" is a powerful image representing the biggest prize in a slot game or simply luck at its best. 

For this reason, you will find a great variety of online games that use this number in their name to represent such symbolism. However, even though the number 7 is so well known in western culture, the reality is that it is not the only number that represents good fortune. 

Lucky number… eight? 

In Asian cultures such as China, Malaysia, and the Philippines, 7 is, in fact, a number that represents terrible luck as it is associated with the seventh month of the year (July), which is the month for ghosts, not in the sense of celebration like Halloween, but to pay respects to the dead. 

In this case, the lucky number in these cultures is 8 because, depending on how it is written and pronounced, it also means "good fortune" or prosperity. 

On the other hand, in Germany, the lucky number is neither 7 nor 8, but 4, since it represents the four-leaf clover, which is another symbol known worldwide for favoring the good fortune of its bearer. 

However, in countries like Japan, the number 4 is as much avoided as the number 13 is in our western culture. This number (4) is pronounced the same as the word "death," so, for obvious superstitious reasons, it is avoided whenever possible.

European flags

Lucky numbers in Europe Online Casinos

Some online casinos choose to adopt the beliefs of certain countries in terms of their lucky numbers to better connect with their target audience.

For that reason, in countries with more western influence, you will see a more significant amount of online casinos with the number 7 in the name. However, you will also see the numbers 4 (a lucky number in Germany) and 9 (a lucky number in China, Norway, or countries influenced by these cultures).

Examples of European casinos with numbers in their names:

  1. 7 Signs Casino 
  2. 777 Casino 
  3. Planet 7 Casino 
  4. 7bit Casino 
  5. 4 Crowns Casino 
  6. Bet99 Casino 
  7. 7 Kings Casino

There are several reasons why the number 7 is considered a symbol of new fortune in Western culture.

For example, in the bible, God created the universe in 7 days; there are7 wonders of the ancient world and even the 7 planets of the ancient world.

The predominance of the number 7 in unrelated events shows us how Western culture relates them to something bigger than themselves that surpasses us or that makes us stand out above the rest.

In the same way, in Chinese culture, the number 9 is associated with the emperor (the figure of maximum importance). In contrast, in Norwegian culture, it is associated in their stories with the sacred.

It is almost impossible to find a Western game development company that includes any number related to good fortune in their name.

However, many of their games include the number 7 in their names in some way, either in the form of "7 + the name of the game" or "777 + the name of the game".

888 Asian lucky number

Lucky Numbers in Asia Online Casinos

As we have mentioned, Asia is an entirely different matter regarding its lucky numbers. For this reason, we will see the numbers 8 and 9 in the names of their casinos and game providers.

Examples of Asian casinos with numbers in their names:

  1. B88sg
  2. UEA8 (UEABET)
  3. AW8
  4. MyBet88
  5. 888 brands (888 Casino, 888 Poker, 888 Pachinko, etc.)
  6. BK8
  7. Maxim88
  8. B9 Casino 

The existence and use of lucky numbers are much more common in Asian cultures; in fact, their cultural importance is such that they are used to select important dates, such as weddings, moving days, the numbers on their car licenses, their telephone numbers, etc.

A curious fact about the importance of lucky numbers in Asian cultures, and also as proof that the above is not an exaggeration, occurred at the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony in 2008.

This ceremony started strictly at 8:08 pm with 8 seconds on the 8th day of the 8th month (August) of 2008.

Online Asia-based game providers that use lucky numbers

Unlike Western companies, Asian game providers consistently use their lucky numbers (8 and 9 mainly) when naming their companies.

An example of this would be the following:

  • 888 Gaming
  • Mega 888
  • 918 Kiss
  • 918 Pussy
  • XE88
  • M8Bet

Online Gambling and Lucky Numbers

While it is true that it is not going to affect anything whether a game or a casino has lucky numbers in its name or not, it is, in fact, extremely curious to understand why these choices are made.

Now you know that, in most cases, more than an aesthetic or SEO choice has a reason and a cultural weight behind it.

This article will allow you to marvel at the small details hiding many of the online casinos we encounter daily on the road.

29th Dec, 2022
Sergio Sierra