3 essentials that casino Affiliates need to include in their reviews

Things that casino affiliates need
13th Aug, 2021
Sergio Sierra

The affiliate programs that you can get these days are as abundant as they are varied. If you take into consideration only those that have to do with online casinos, you will soon realize that there are thousands and thousands of them scattered all over the internet.

While it is true that finding one that suits your needs and business plan is a complex task, the truth is that with a little research you can quickly find the right one for you. 

However, what happens after you've found the right affiliate program(s)?.

This is where the real challenge begins, where successful entrepreneurs are separated from those who end up with an unfinished project on their hands.

The next step is the creation of content to get people interested in the casinos you are affiliated with so that you can finally earn the commission you previously agreed with the program. 

The easiest way to attract attention is through online casino reviews or the games themselves. 

But of course, there are also too many reviews on the internet, so again you will be faced with an important question: How to make my review stand out from the rest? 

The answer to that question is much simpler than you can imagine. This is because there are 3 essentials that give a solid foundation to your reviews so that you can fulfill the objective of bringing players to the casino or casinos you promote on your page. 

And of course, remember that, like all good marketing, your goal with every review is to show the casinos and the games as they are (this includes their virtues and flaws) so that it is the player who decides to join or look for another option. 

If you're always looking to sell, then you'll end up with a mediocre review that has no function. 

Keep reading to find out what are these three essential points you should include in your reviews from now on.

The problem with online casino reviews

The Internet is a vast space full of information, but this is not breaking news. However, it is important to remember that, in the same immensity of information that this medium offers us, it is difficult for us to differentiate, in most cases, the good from the bad, what is useful from what is not so useful

And of course, casino reviews also fall into this category. The main mistake that many sites tend to make is not to take reviews seriously. They usually do them to "comply" with the publication, or simply to sell, in a shameless way, the casino or game they are promoting. 

Of course, people a little more experienced in the area can figure out these types of reviews just by reading a bit of them. However, new players and amateurs will find out how wrong the review was once they check out the casino, or whatever they were promised in the review they read. 

In this sense, the three main problems of an inefficient review are: 

  1. Inaccurate information 
  2. One-sided reviews 
  3. Lack of honesty

Fortunately, there are excellent review sites like Onlinecasinolist.com that show us how online casino and game reviews should be to meet the needs of the affiliate program, the client, and your own business.

Casino listing reviews


What are the 3 essentials that any review needs?

Now that you know the 3 main problems of online casino reviews, it is time for you to know how to avoid them. This way, you will ensure that your review is as optimized as possible.

Updated information:

Although it may sound a bit obvious, some review sites do not bother to verify that the information they are using is the most up-to-date. Many times, what they do is copy and rewrite the first review they get on the internet (even if it is many years old). 

We recommend that whenever you are going to write a review, visit the casino's website, and even play the game you are going to promote. This way you make sure you have a close experience with the casino, and you start to see it more objectively. 

In addition, you must always include these points in your reviews: 

  • The legality of the casino and its games: this includes their license(s) information, their restricted countries, and other important legal terms.  Like MGA licenses for example.
  • Rating: Adding a ranking system can help players identify a good casino faster. However, if you don’t like adding a ranking system, you could try other options like a “why you should join this casino” section.  
  • Payment and currencies: Having a display of payment methods and the accepted currencies is a must in any review. Players are always looking for a great casino that lets them pay with a method they like. Make sure to research which payment methods your traffic likes and mention it in your reviews (if the casino takes it, of course). 
  • Games and providers: Another part that interests players is the casino’s games and providers. A good casino does not necessarily need to have over 40+ providers and thousands of games. Sometimes, the best casino for your players is the one that has its favorite games. 
  • Perks: This includes bonuses, promotions, VIP programs, tournaments, and anything that can be appealing to the player. Make sure to mention everything and don’t forget the important details like if the bonus can be cashable full in real money, its wagering requirements, or the bonus codes that needs for its activation. 

Balanced reviews

Being unbiased in reviews is extremely important. As we have already mentioned, no one likes to be sold only one casino or game and be shown a "perfect" site when the reality is completely different. 

Don't be afraid to show the strengths and weaknesses of the casinos you promote, because, at the end of the day, even the top casinos in the world still have their flaws. 

The important thing is to let the player feel free to choose whether or not to join such a casino. 

And believe us when we tell you: it is better that you show him the casino's weaknesses in the review, and not that he discovers them after creating an account or investing his money, this is not only a bad reputation for the casino, but for your own business

That dissatisfied customer will not trust your reviews again, and if he can, he will let the rest of the community know about it. 

So, always remain impartial to every casino and every game, show them as they are, and let your community decide. 


This has a lot to do with the previous point. If you are not honest in your review, and you are only looking to sell, sooner or later your readers will realize it, and they will lose the trust they have in you. 

Be honest with the good parts of the casino, and be even more honest with the bad parts. 

If you feel that a bonus or promotion has a high wagering requirement, or that the terms and conditions of the bonus are unfair, the best thing to do is to say so, in an intelligent manner and without disparaging the casino (remember that your goal is to generate revenue from your referrals). 

The same goes for all other aspects of the casino, including games, payment methods (like Interac in Canada), customer service, and all the additional benefits it may (or may not) include.

Likewise, if a casino has something very good or that differentiates it from the rest, be sure to highlight it in the review, and show how that can affect the gaming experience of the player who joins that casino. 

Tips for creating a perfect review 

Here are some tips that will help you create the best review for the casinos you promote on your site, their games, or any related material you wish to create. 

  • Choose relevant topics: Even if a topic or format works for one site, it does not mean that it will also work on yours. You must take the time to know your audience (you can do this simply by trial and error). For example, it is better to have a tailored article/review about an interesting topic that involves online casinos, or slot games, rather than having a one-size-fits-all article.
  • Back up the information with facts: this gives you presence and credibility amongst your audience. This is particularly important for specialized articles rather than regular reviews but is important that you consider this aspect when creating content. 
  • Target your specific audience: when creating content for casino affiliate sites, you must know very well your audience. If you target a wider audience, you can attract gamblers from different categories and games, but if you target specific audiences, you will have a consolidated public that will always be interested in your content. For example, Onlinecasinolist.com focuses on Canadian players

These tips in addition to the 3 essentials will ensure that your reviews will be highly successful. Just remember that this is a practice that takes time to master, and you will need tons of trial and error before you can get to know your audience perfectly. Don’t give up and have fun while you do it. 

13th Aug, 2021
Sergio Sierra