Bars in Las Vegas allowed to reopen
This past few weeks has been about lockdowns coming and going. In the case of the United States, some states have seen important reopenings to start to stimulate the economy again.
Now it’s the time for Las Vegas to get some love as bars and some casinos have been permitted to reopen yesterday after being forced to close for several months.
Since March they have only been permitted a few weeks of service as bars alongside casinos were forced to close, only being allowed reopenings from June until July 10 as an emergency order from Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak came and lockdown was issued again.
Sisolak stated that the decision was based on data related to the prevalence and spread of the virus within the counties where the lockdown was re-established.
“I am beyond thrilled that the hard work of Nevada’s residents and businesses has resulted in [said] data trending in a positive direction, allowing the task force to lift restrictions on bars and countries that previously had these mitigation measures in place due to their transmission risk levels,”
Governor Sisolak kept on: “I want to thank the Task Force and local governments for their work toward helping to accomplish our overall goal: Safely lift restrictions based on data so our businesses can succeed and our workers can get back on the job.”
Even though restrictions are being lifted, there are some limitations that are still going to be in place.
Bars must only operate at 50% capacity, with reasonable spacing between tables of at least six feet and face coverings are mandatory for all staff members.
“I have consistently been in support of safely lifting restrictions and reopening areas of our economic and social life based on improvements in our data, in addition to strong participation and enforcement plans from local governments,” Said Sisolak.
“The work completed by the task force over previous weeks, in addition to their recent actions, represent the state’s commitment to a transparent process, a safe reopening, and coordinated partnership with our local governments.”
After 2021 when all the population of the United States of America are vaccinated it is for sure that all casinos, movie theaters, shopping malls and other big places will open again their doors to their clients in fact before that many casinos, hotels and parks were opened with security restrictions like mandatory masks, face shields, gloves and even hand sanitizers.
One of the markets that did not experience a crash was the gambling market, especially the online casinos had a boom on the years of 2019 - 2021 since many players had to sit at home and could not come to land base casinos they began to join online casinos, sportsbooks, bingos, and other gambling sites in which they were offered even live dealer games, however, people will always feel the need to go to a land base casino since online gambling as much fun that can be, it gets old for some players to the point that they are happily willing to go to land base casinos complying with all the security restrictions.
If you are one of those players that prefer to play and bet at land base casinos to online casinos, keep in mind that if you are going to those places you should always wear your mask and regardless if you are vaccinated we also recommend you to take with you alcohol or hand sanitizer and try to avoid crowds and don't eat outside your house, you should gamble your money not your life.