World Poker Tour India coming

World Poker Tour India coming
26th Sep, 2020
Simon Colmenares Author Profile Photo Simon Colmenares

The World Poker Tour announced the creation of WPT india. The series will launch and operate through November 5-22 featuring more than 150 events and more than $1,800 million in prize pots.

The Main Event is starting on November 11 and will consist on giving players flight prices to all cities where the rest of the event is taking place The winner of the Main Event will receive a $5,000 WPT passport, which can be used to enter any live WTP event anywhere in the world.

Adam Pilska, CEO of the World Poker Tour commented: “The WPT Online venture continues to grow as part of our overall online strategy which we have found effective across the global market. This series comes on the heels of our successful WPT Online series in other parts of the world and we are pleased to be working with Adda52 come November” is an india-based online poker site, a subsidiary of Delta Corp Limited.

“The WPT has built a great relationship with the Indian poker community and we’re proud to have them as our parents, “ said Pratap Pandit, VP of Online Operations for Delta Corp. “The reach and accessibility of this year’s online series is really exciting and the festive season of Diwali is the perfect setting for it.”

The Business Head of Poker Delta Corp, Manish J. Adnani, also stated: “We expect to continue setting higher standards for online poker in the Indian Sub-continent, rollout a memorable experience on and offer the Indian players a platform to achieve glory at the world stage.

The WPT Online India has a leaderboard, called the Mega Player of the Series Leaderboard. Total prizes amount to INR 2.5 million ($33,853); the overall winner will receive INR 1 million ($13,541). Of the 154 events, 29 will count toward the leaderboard.

The showcase provided by the World Poker Tour

The World Poker Tour has been hosted since 2002. It is a series of poker tournaments that take place on a yearly basis. The main events are usually hosted within American territory, but players of all the nationalities are accepted to participate.

One of the most important traits about the World Poker Tour is the fact that it is a televised event. Each and every tournament is broadcasted across the whole world so that the players can show off their skills and knowledge while the fans worldwide are watching them.

It is one of the most famous gambling events across the globe thanks to the high number of attendees as well as TV watchers that it garners every year.

Putting it all together, the World Poker Tour represents the biggest showcase for the poker players. They can not only increase their popularity while taking part in the event but also draw the attention of sponsors that might be willing to pay them for some image rights.

Overall, participating in the World Poker Tour means more than just getting the chance to earn big load of money playing poker, it is the vivid opportunity to make a good living out of something that you are interested in.

India is being considered for the World Poker Tour

As one of the biggest and most populated countries in the world, India represents a big market for any gambling investor or operator that is looking for global expansion.

In addition to that, the Asian country has proven to love all kinds of gambling activities to the point of amassing more than 10 million active players on a regular basis. Overall, Indian players invest millions on their favorite forms of gambling.

With that in mind, it is not a surprise to see one of the biggest gambling events taking place in India. It definitely represents a great chance for the World Poker Tour to reach new horizons and eventually become the most important gambling event every year.

Thanks to Adda52, the best poker players based in India will have the real opportunity to become the stars of the World Poker Tour for the first time in its history.

The whole event will be hosted online due to the global crisis that is going on around the world. But, it is not bad news at all, since this allows a higher number of players to participate without having to move outside their comfortable homes.

Moreover, the show will be streamed live at all times so that the players located in India and the rest of the world can get a glimpse of the events whenever they want.

The chance to organize the event in the future

It is still unknown whether the World Poker Tour will be hosted in India again. It will all depend on how successful the current event is.

If the event ends up exceeding the expectations put on it, it is very likely that the World Poker Tour will come back to the Asian country in subsequent opportunities.

It is also possible that the following events take place in a specific location, but it will also depend on the evolution of the global crisis.

26th Sep, 2020
Simon Colmenares