Barcelona Affiliate Conference 2011 preview with Shona ODonnell

Give us a recap on how big was the Dublin show?
The Super Show in Dublin was our largest event to date.
We had over 100 exhibitors and sponsors, 2512 delegate over the two days, the first ever iGaming Series of Poker (iGSOP) and some of the most incredible parties.
This year we combined the b2b and affiliate zones in one huge hall and this made for a great atmosphere and gave the venue a real buzz.
The conference rooms were packed out for every session and we had some amazing speakers.
Next year we’ll be making sure that the rooms are much bigger so that no one has to miss out, and if you check your facebook page we’ll let you know when the session are available to view.
We are very pleased with how the show went, we got lots of great feedback from affiliates, operators and vendors which we really appreciate as it helps us improve our shows for everyone.
As a team we are really proud of the iGaming Super Show and hope to build on this success for Barcelona.
Why was Barcelona chosen as the next conference to replace the Budapest show?
We wanted to give the industry a say in where our next event was, so we gave everyone the chance to vote for the city of their choice from four, Budapest, Barcelona, Milan and Krakow.
Barcelona was the out and out favourite so we really hope that will be reflected in the numbers at the show.
Barcelona is a great city, close to the beach, great food, lots of places to choose for networking day or night and hopefully lots of sunshine.
Do you expect the Barcelona conference to be the largest to date?
Until Dublin, LAC 2011 was our biggest show to date.
I think London will always be our biggest affiliate event, partly due to location. I would love to be proved wrong on this.
Despite Black Friday are you seeing new operators continuing to come to the shows and launching new products?
Black Friday has impacted different operators in different ways, and as the industry matures we are still seeing new businesses launch all the time.
We are delighted that this year we saw new exhibitors such as BingoCams come to the show and get great value out of being there and meeting the key players in the market.
With the mGaming Summit starting in mid June, do you expect discussions to continue and grow at the Barcelona show as mobile finally starts to wake up?
As an industry we’ve been talking about mGaming for a very long time, but it finally feels like this is the year where it will really take off.
With smartphones and all you can eat data packages now the norm, this is a new and exciting channel for affiliates, operators and phone companies.
I think the discussions that are started in London this June will continue to Barcelona and beyond as everyone looks to exploit this lucrative new channel.
Where to register?
Affiliate conferences are a must participate for any affiliate that would like to take this business in a serious way, since in these conferences you will always learn something new about new technologies, trending topics, software products, new affiliate programs, new affiliate review websites, new casinos and more gambling related content, so be sure to not miss out any affiliate conference.
In these conferences you will meet a lot of people just like you and, you can exchange your ideas and strategies with your peers, and it is for sure that you will learn something from them and they from you and who knows you may make some new friends along the way.
However, after the events of 2019 - 2021 affiliate conferences were postponed for security reasons, but it is estimated that they will happen again after 2022 or 2023, nevertheless, there are still some conferences but with some restrictions that you can participate, so be sure to check the link above to keep you updated.