Why is AffiliateInsider one of the top affiliate resources of 2021

Affiliate Insider Top resource
23rd Sep, 2021
Simon Colmenares Author Profile Photo Simon Colmenares

Digital marketing is growing quickly every day and as of this moment, the industry is experiencing an amazing development in all aspects thanks to the many new investments and professionals that have embarked into the marvelous world that is digital marketing.

Lots of new affiliate programs and independent affiliate marketing platforms have been developed and launched with the intention of finding success in a short period of time

This strong reliability comes from the fact that industries such as e-commerce and iGaming are expanding, growing and becoming more lucrative as the days pass by.

However, all the brands that are part of these industries tend to struggle to draw the attention of their potential customers, so they have to plan marketing strategies that could help them solve that particular issue. 

Tough competition

That is where digital marketing comes in and solves the problems and issues that most e-commerce and iGaming brands suffer from. Digital marketing platforms have definitely come to stay and renovate the way that a brand is promoting across the whole world.

Nowadays, digital marketing and affiliate marketing have turned into the number one options when it comes to building up a strong and sustainable marketing strategy within a company. 

Without any doubts, affiliate marketing and digital marketing are important. But, this relevance has also made it difficult for new marketing brands and affiliate marketers when it comes to operating a successful business within this incredibly competitive industry.

Monopoly of the big brands

The experienced and more powerful brands draw the attention of practically all their potential partners and customers, leaving them with no room to work with and absolutely no chances of remaining on the market for a prolonged period of time.

Given how hard it is for new marketing brands to be successful, lots of experienced and generous marketing connoisseurs have had the initiative of launching affiliate resources and sites that are meant to make it easier for anyone entering the industry.

One of the most complete and interesting affiliate resources nowadays is AffiliateInsider. This is a Google News approved curated content hub and affiliate marketing agency.

This amazing and compelling platform was officially launched in 2018 by Lee-Ann Johnstone who has almost two decades as part of the digital marketing industry as well as affiliate experience within retail, payments and the iGaming industry.

The purpose behind AffiliateInsider

AffiliateInsider was launched with the intention of helping the whole iGaming industry get together in a single space. A space where the interactions would be constant and connections would be built on a daily basis. 

After 3 years operating, AffiliateInsider has turned into a trusted provider and strong brand in the always competitive and often ruthless industry that is iGaming at this moment.

AffiliateInsider has drawn the attention of many iGaming experts, brands and individual affiliates thanks to the high number of tools, features and guidelines that everyone can have access to in just a matter of clicks.

With less than 5 years on the web, AffiliateInsider is already getting praised by almost everybody on the iGaming scene and even companies that focus their attention on other areas. Some of the great brands that have noticed the awesome work done by AffiliateInsider are:

  • Forbes
  • The Drum
  • PerformanceIN
  • IGBAffiliate 
  • Gambling Postal Webmasters Association

A platform led by a successful personality

Lee-Ann Johnstone is not just a pretty face that has faced all the hardships and difficulties that exist in the iGaming industry. This influential woman has led a successful career for many years and her growth is not even close to be stunted just yet. 

As a matter of fact, Lee-Ann Johnstone was voted one of the top 10 most influential women in iGaming by IGB Affiliate in 2019 and up to this day, she keeps on helping brands and affiliates implement the most suitable practices that can lead them into success in the industry. 

Currently, Lee-Ann Johnstone runs an exclusive affiliate manager coaching program called “Affiliate Marketing Performance Program”. The mentioned initiative has given assistance to affiliates all over the world, and many of them have claimed to learn amazing facts and tips that have given them the boost they needed to compete in iGaming.

A platform that has everything you need and more

 It does not matter what you want or who you are, if you wish to make a name for yourself as an affiliate marketer, AffiliateInsider is surely one of the best resources you have available to make that happen.

Some of the many tools available on AffiliateInsider are:


Affiliate marketing and the iGaming industry are evolving and changing each and every day. Therefore, if you wish to avoid mistakes or learn about the latest trends and topics that surround the industry quickly, AffiliateInsider offers you a complete news section that contains all the articles you need to read.

All the news and articles posted on AffiliateInsider are certified by Google and other reputable brands. Thus, you can trust very word and sentence that is written on any of them.


AffiliateInsider has an experienced team of professionals that have more than a decade in the affiliate and iGaming industry. The Insight section of AffiliateInsider provides you with the chance to read and learn about what these experts have to say about the latest news in iGaming.

Thanks to this particular section, you can analyze different points of view as well as the deep understanding of experienced marketers.


Affiliate Insider Podcasts

Affiliate marketing podcasts are very popular nowadays. These great audio shows have helped many affiliates understand the iGaming industry better in just a couple of minutes.

AffiliateInsider counts with an extensive and attractive list of podcasts that are meant to give you a hand in any aspect regarding the iGaming industry and the affiliate platforms within it.

The podcasts are all reviewed and certified, so you are never given wrong directions and advices. 


If you do not learn easily from listening to a faceless voice, you have the alternative of watching interactive videos on AffiliateInsider.

These videos contain easy-to-understand explanations on how the iGaming works and how affiliates can be successful within it in a short period of time.

These videos are not long either. Therefore, you can watch them at any moment of the day anywhere you go.


This is definitely one of the most important tools available on AffiliateInsider. The directory contains the certified partners that the platform works with. 

On this particular directory, you can find online casinos, sportsbooks and affiliate programs that have been thoroughly analyzed and reviewed so that anyone that decides to make deals with them or join them has to take any type of risk.

All the sites and platforms listed on the directory are trustworthy. 


If you consider all the tools interesting and helpful, but you still have not understood the industry well yet, the training section of AffiliateInsider is surely the feature you must go to.

On this section, you have the chance to take on a complete training course that teaches everything you need to know about affiliate marketing and iGaming. The approach used on the training is simply worth-praising in all ways.

The section is complete from beginning to end, and many inexperienced affiliates have denominated it as the ultimate guideline to success as an affiliate.


23rd Sep, 2021
Simon Colmenares